Scone & Cakes
Email your order mrspottersnl@gmail.com or WhatsApp +44 7854 346033. Just want to try one or two things on the menu? Try these scones or English puddings!
Scone boxes
Lord Baldock
A scone-lover's must have treat. A box of 16 handmade scones with Bonne Maman strawberry jam and heavy whipped cream
€ 20

Lady Luton Free
For those who need to be careful but are not afraid to have a treat. A box of 16 hand made gluten free scones with Bonne Maman strawberry jam and heavy whipped cream
€ 24

Other puddings and cakes
Treacle Tart
Harry Potter's (no relation) favourite pudding is treacle tart. Find out why when you order this English pudding. Rich butter pastry topped with a soft sweet syrup and lemon. Served hot or cold with cream or custard (vla). Slices into 8 - 12 pieces.
€ 19

Coffee and Walnut cake
A very English recipe and popular in tea rooms in the UK. This cake is 22cm in diameter and serves 12 - 16 people. Moist and delicious!
€ 26